'I am not a Christian, I just like the drinking.'
Somewhere in the developing world, while the cicadas are chirping, diesel is filched and bride prices are haggled over, a new Imam is stirring up trouble.
Laura Hunter Bolt is off to Tambia, or is it Tambekistan, to Do Some Good. Fresh from the Non Governmental Organisation training camp in Bracknell – she's read The Idiots Guide to Islam (The Koran got a bit tricky after page four) and is sporting a dashing Gucci hijab.
Laura soon finds herself dealing with a flourishing black market and a society where men and women can't touch, 'not a boy' children are worthless and religious identity can be as fluid as the non existent laws or followed to the letter with horrible consequences…it's not quite what she expected…
Join us for this truly alternative and irreverent comedy where God's word squares up to capitalist forces and the third world/first world heats are heading for the final…
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