An evening with Michael Morpurgo at the Bush
Following the new release of Michael Morpurgo’s recent book, ‘The Kites are Flying’ about children’s lives in Israel and Gaza, Michael will be giving a talk about his book, and telling stories from his recent trip to the Middle East with Save the Children.
A recently appointed Literary Ambassador for Save the Children, Michael Morpurgo, will be going to fly kites with children in Israel and in Gaza, taking the time to meet those children’s family, friends, visit their schools and hear about their daily lives. Michael Morpurgo’s new book explains that the calamity of the ongoing unrest and the permanent border sitting between Israel and Gaza is a longstanding issue that doesn’t always make sense to children. Children’s hopes and dreams for peace can fly higher than any wall dividing communities and religions.
For a one-evening special at the Bush, Michael will talk to children and their families about his first ever visit to Gaza, talking about the tragedy of the lives of some children and families in the area, but also of the hope ringed with joy that children’s tales can bring.
Julie Etchingham, ITV News reader, will chair Michael’s talk and there will be a chance for children and parents to ask him questions about his story and his visit to the Middle East.
Profits from this event will go to Save the Children