Protest series 2024: first pieces released

Today, we’re releasing the first pieces of our new Protest series.

We believe the connection between art and protest is vital. In a time of immense global turbulence, our Protest series aims to provide a stable platform for artists to shed light on and explore injustices that persist in our world.

Our Protest series is a strand of quick-fire commissions, collaborations and events designed to enable artists to respond to the world in a way that is dynamic and held with care. Creating work for our main stage can take a long time, and with global events unfolding every day we recognise our duty to provide a platform for our artists’ voices to be heard.

Works under the Protest banner may take many forms, from digital pieces to in-person events. Whether loud or quiet, angry or joyful, a call for collective action or a deeply personal reflection, we will continue to champion artists and their voices.

The first commissioned artists and their pieces are:
Rida Hamidou – Khalid Eats An Orange
April Hope Miller – Us
Daud Xiddig – Three Standing Shelves
Abi Zakarian – We Are Our Mountains

For full information and content guidance on all of the pieces, you can read our self-care guide here.

Khalid Eats An Orange by Rida Hamidou

Rida Hamidou (he/him) is a writer from West London. His work has been performed at the Harold Pinter Theatre for The Jamie Lloyd Company, and he has participated in writing groups at the Royal Court and Soho Theatre.

Please note, this piece contains discussion of genocide, violence and occupation.


Us by April Hope Miller

April Hope Miller (she/her) is an Ashkenazi Jewish actor, writer, poet and producer based in London.

Please note, this piece contains themes of antisemitism and xenophobia.


Three Standing Shelves by Daud Xiddig

Daud Xiddig (he/him) is a member of the Bush Theatre’s 18-25 Young Company and tells stories through acting, poetry and playwriting.

Please note, this piece contains allusions to death.


We Are Our Mountains by Abi Zakarian

Abi Zakarian (she/her) is an award-winning British-Armenian writer and theatre-maker born and raised in Derby, now based in London.

Please note, this piece contains discussion of genocide, occupation, historical and cultural erasure, and ethnic cleansing.
