Support Us

For over 50 years, the Bush Theatre has been far more than just a performance space.

We’re a launchpad for stories, a stage for underrepresented voices, an incubator for talent, a sanctuary for writers, and a creative home for the community. We’re a driving force evolving the British theatre canon, one new play at a time.

And, we’re a charity.

Because, to provide everything required to discover and nurture talent, diversify access and audiences, and tell urgent and bold stories, we need our supporters.

With their help, we’re defining the future of British theatre, and by joining us today, you can too.

Give Today

Every gift helps us provide young people, our local community, and talent at all stages with the access, opportunities and support they need.

Give For A Year

Star Supporters power all of our work. They donate for a year, and get closer than anyone else to the shows and projects they make possible.

Give as a Company

Whether through charitable giving or in-kind support, Corporate Partners are vital to the Bush Theatre ability to achieve our vision.

Give Forever

If you would like to leave a lasting legacy of cultural inclusion and access, please email our Head of Development, Jocelyn Cox, about gifts in Wills [email protected].

Give Differently

To discuss bespoke patronages which see your support applied to a specific desired impact, please email our Head of Development, Jocelyn Cox [email protected].

The Bush is grateful for the generous contributions from our Star Supporters, individual donors, corporate partners and Trusts and Foundations – all of whom make our work across community engagement, talent development and artistic programming possible. 

Registered with Fundraising Regulator

The Bush Theatre is registered with the Fundraising Regulator. We are transparent with our donors and supporters, and ensure that our fundraising is legal, transparent, efficient and respectful.