Local Partnership Scheme

Every year we invite one local organisation to become part of the Local Partnership Scheme at the Bush Theatre.

Our Local Partners form a collaborative & creative relationship with the Bush Theatre over 6 months.

Local Partners will work alongside a Lead Artist to try out different artistic styles, forms, themes and ideas and explore in depth the creative interests of the group. The Lead Artist and Local Partners will co-create an event or performance to close the project, presented here at the Bush.


Our Local Partner for 2023 – 2024 was Carers Network led by Artist Jordana Golbourn.

Our Local Partner for 2021 – 2022 was The Notting Hill Carnival Project led by Piece of Cake Theatre Company and Neighbourhood Company led by People Show.

Our Local Partners for 2019 – 2020 was Barons Court Project led by Artist Katie Duncan and Masbro Centre Tea Club led by Artist Will Hudson.

Our Local Partners for 2018 – 2019 were This New Ground Collective, led by Spare Tyre and The Neighbourhood Company, led by Artist Molly Taylor.

Our Local Partners for 2017 – 2018 were Nubian Life, who worked with Cressida Brown, and Shepherd’s Bush Families Project, who worked with Tangled Feet.

You can watch videos from our previous Local Partnership Scheme projects here:

The Notting Hill Carnival Project

Neighbourhood Company

Masbro Centre Tea Club

This New Ground

Nubian Life

Shepherd’s Bush Families Project

If you have any questions about the projects or wish to read the full reports on them please email [email protected].